Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Brave new world

Read "Away From the Icebergs" and "Into a New World of Librarianship" (is that a ship for librarians?) and agree with most of what they say. Doubtless libraries must and are changing and this blogging exercise is a good example of our library's willingness to change. Thanks to the internet information is readily available on line almost instantly. It could be that libraries of the future should concentrate more on fiction and less on reference materials since reference questions can be so quickly googled, etc? Still there will always be a need for books and one should not overlook the social aspects of a library. While is the internet is efficient it is by it's very nature somewhat cold and certainly solitary. To me a library should also be a good place to hang out and I believe Linebaugh does a good job of making our library a good place for so doing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


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Delicious doings

Went to this website and added the tool-bar stuff to my firefox toolbar. Interesting site altho' I can't really see that it adds much more functionality to my browser. My desktop is beginning to look like my mind - cluttered.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Went to this website and enrolled under the handle oldgraycurmudgeon which is probably pretty apt in my case.

Library thing

Like this web-site and have created my own list but, as usual, finding it impossible to import it to this blog. Perplexing to say the least.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Failure to launch

As it turns out my good friends at microsoft internet explorer will not allow me to post the results of my brainscan in this blog which is probably a good idea since the world is probably not now and never will be ready for the massive output and sheer brilliance of the jerry bailey brain. p. s. I also cook and wash windows.

Image Generation

At my age I'm reluctant to try to generate anything but I did find an appealing image of my brain at the brainscanner website which I will attempt to post on this blog. Wish me luck.